Barok instrumentalt og vokalt – Nordisk ekko

25. august 2021 - kl. 20:00

Sorø Klosterkirke

OBS. Denne Koncert er afholdt

Nordisk Ekko
Camerata Øresund, Ensemble Nylandia og Cantoque Ensemble
under ledelse af Peter Spissky og Mattias Häkkinen

Camerata Øresund laver en koncertturné i sommeren 2020 hvor de tilslutter sig det finske barokensemble, Nylandia, og det islandske vokalensemble, Cantoque. Dette nordiske samarbejdsprojekt giver koncerter i Finland, Island og Danmark.

Billetpris 150 kr. Børn og Unge under 18 år gratis. Billetsalget starter 23. juni. Koncerten transmitteres direkte af DR.

På programmet er Bachs betagende Messe i A-dur, swingende dansesatser af den ”svenske Händel”, J.H.Roman, århundrede gamle islandske salmer og helt ny musik som alligevel lyder genkendelig– et ekko fra fortiden som resonerer helt frem til dagen i dag!
Barokensemblet Camerata Øresund (DK), har til dette projekt allieret sig med det finske, Ensemble Nylandia og det islandske vokalensemble, Cantoque. Med programmet, Nordisk Ekko, byder ensemblerne til en nordisk barokmusikfest hvor tysk-skandinaviske barokperler trækker tråde til århundrede gammel musik fra islandske manuskripter og et helt nykomponoeret værk af den København-baserede komponist, Hugi Guðmundsson.
Med Nordisk Ekko præsenteres den gamle fascinerende nordiske musik i et helt nyt perspektiv.

Camerata Øresund

Barokensemblet Camerata Øresund består, som navnet antyder, af musikere bosat på begge sider af Øresundsbroen, en konstruktion som ikke kun har været inspiration for gysende krimiserier, men som også gavner og beriger regionens levende musikliv. Ensemblet blev stiftet i 2010 af Concerto Copenhagens koncertmester, Peter Spissky, og igangsatte sin første koncertserie under navnet Bach on the Bridge med henvisning til den samme indflydelsesrige bro. Sidenhen er Camerata Øresund vokset til at blive et af regionens mest fremtrædende barokensembler, og de optræder jævnligt på festivaler og koncertsteder i Danmark og udlandet.
Ensemblets projekter spænder vidt: Sjældne musikalske opdagelser (en genopdaget Vivaldi koncert eller Christians Ræh´s violinkoncerter fra 1600 tallet), eksperimenter med innovative koncertformer (såsom iscenesatte komponist portrætter), store værker med kor uden dirigent og tema koncerter for børn med udklædte musikere. Hvad formen end er, skaber Camerata Øresund en sjælden platform for regionens unge talentfulde musikere og sangere i starten af deres karriere. Adskillige skandinaviske stortalenter, som fx den svenske cembalovirtuos, Marcus Mohlin, og den danske sopran, Eline Soelmark, tilhører kernen af ensemblet. Camerata Øresund har haft en fast base i det alsidige koncertsted, Koncertkirken på Nørrebro, som har tiltrukket positiv opmærksomhed hos et varieret publikum. Et tæt samarbejde er også blevet indgået med Næstved Early Music Festival hvor ensemblet har spillet adskillige koncerter, både alene og i inspirerende samarbejde med bl.a. Jordi Savall og andre kunstnere. Under årets festival i Næstved 2018, opførte Camerata Øresund Vivaldi operaen, I´l Giustino, under musikalsk ledelse af Peter Spissky og sammen med den anerkendte italienske koreograf, Deda Cristiana Colonna.
I juli 2019 var Camerata Øresund for andet år i træk inviteret til at medvirke på den prestigefyldte festival West Cork Chamber Music Festival i Irland. Samme sommer spillede ensemblet også koncerter på Haapsalu Early Music Festival, Estland og Vensdsyssel Festival, Danmark. I oktober 2019 søsatte Camerata Øresunds sin helt egen festival, Baroktoberfest – tre dage fyldt med barokmusik i forskellige kombinationer i Koncertkirken på Nørrebro.
Camerata Øresunds facebook side:
Camerata Øresunds hjemmeside:

Ensemble Nylandia

Ensemble Nylandia is a Finnish early music collective which was founded in Helsinki in 2009 by its artistic director and keyboard player Matias Häkkinen and a leading group of younger generation baroque musicians in Finland. It is renewing and shaking up the field of early music with its innovative risk-taking attitude. It provides its members chances to share their talents and take their place in the sun, and collaborates with artists who have big hearts and a lot to say and show.
Ensemble Nylandia’s main focuses and favourite genres are different concertos including works they have commissioned and premiered and dramatic projects including lesser known opera and oratorio repertoire.
Most notable artists Nylandia has worked with include dazzling internationally renowned soloists like Mahan
Esfahani, Josetxu Obregon and Tuuli Lindeberg and leading directors as Alan Corbishley and Ville Saukkonen. Nylandia has performed in Europe and North America in addition to its home country of Finland in many different forms ranging from touring rural areas in small chamber music groups to big productions in large concert halls.
Nylandia’s passion for drama and collaboration has lead to the development of several ground-breaking productions, most notably, the 2013 staged production of oratorio Il Diluvio Universale (Michelangelo Falvetti) which brought together a group of 70 performers from break-dancers to Baroque vocal soloists, Antonio Literes’ opera Los Elementos on a climate change theme in 2016 and collaborating on the development and presentation of Handel’s Acis and Galatea: A Gender Liberation Opera in Vancouver, BC in 2017 withRe:Naissance Opera and Sound the Alarm Music/Theatre.
What makes Ensemble Nylandia unique as an organisation is that they are pioneers of producing different collaborations and special projects and acting as a central force bringing different artists and organisations together. Its regular collaboration partners include several festivals, parishes, municipal orchestras and other art organisations. The musicians of the orchestra are seasoned professionals and versatile performers with tons of experience playing together on various occasions and forms. Nylandia has strong principles both with quality, significance and professionalism, for instance paying artists for their work and being proud of musicianship as a trade. All this has been enabled under Matias Häkkinen’s visionary artistic leadership and wide musical and social world views.

Cantoque Ensemble

Cantoque Ensemble is an icelandic vocal ensemble consisting of 8 professional singers. The singers vary a little between projects but all the singers are renowned in Iceland as soloists in the fields of baroque, classical and modern music, as well as on the opera stage. Cantoque Ensemble is Iceland´s only fully professional choir, except for the choir at the Icelandic opera. Members of Cantoque Ensemble have sung roles at the Icelandic opera and abroad,
worked with various orchestras in Iceland as well as on the international stage, and many have been nominated as Singers of the year at the Icelandic Music awards. The group was formed in 2017 and their first project was a collaboration with the nordic baroque orchestras Höör Barock from Sweden and Camerata Öresund from Denmark. They held concerts in Iceland, Denmark and Sweden, and their concert in Skálholt Summer music festival got a nomination for best performance of the year at last year´s Icelandic Music price. Cantoque Ensemble travelled around Iceland in the summer of 2018, performing an a cappella program of new arrangements of Icelandic Folksongs, there of some that were written for the group. In 2018 they also performed Bach Cantatas under the
direction of renowned baroque conductor Andreas Spering.

Denne koncert er yderligere sponsoreret af:

Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Culture Point, Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme, KODA, Statens Kunstfond, SNYK, A. P. Møller Fonden, Rannís, Letterstedtska Föreningen, Taiteen edistämiskeskus, Musiikin edistämissäätiö

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